Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

Yura is an attractive human - Pride Band

fenanote.blogspot.com - Everyone should already know that Yura is awesome, but she still provides us with more evidence.

First, shereally, reallycandraw/paint

#유화재밌다#브이앱보러와요 A photo posted by YURA (@yura_936) on

#나의첫유화#매력있다#율화백 A photo posted by YURA (@yura_936) on

Second, she'snotonlytalented, she'sthe hottestidol, andallargumentsagainstareinvalid.

Yura is an attractive human
Yura is an attractive human
Yura is an attractive human
Yura is an attractive human

Stan Yura!Yura is an attractive human

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